That Kid
I decided to stay in that class for a relief period..well, coz I had no better things to do and that 'anak angkat' kid looked a bit gloomy. So, I stayed and had a casual chat with a few pupils when he started to join in. He leisurely walked towards me and sat on my lap before a girl shouted, "ee manjanya!". Haha. Sure, I don't mind..maybe he doesn't get to sit on his parents' lap since they are so damn busy with work..maybe? Yesterday, I was welcomed into that class with an enormous joyful cheer of "YEAY!" for a relief period. I was beyond touched..well..maybe coz that was the first time I ever entered their class? I don't know. ..and yesterday too, that kid tackled that seungri-lookalike boy when he was running towards me, "She's my mummy!" "No, she's my mummy!" "No, mine!" "Mine!" lol. The idea of 'anak angkat' wasn't triggered by me. He mentioned it when a Year 6 boy asked me what...